Friday, December 19, 2008

How to rename a Dynamicweb Stylesheet

In Dynamicweb CMS you have so-called "Stylesheets" which are used as containers for various page/site related settings: Layout, navigation etc. You cannot by default rename them - but if you are lucky to have access to the SQL database in which your soloution is store you can use these sql queries below to rename your stylesheets:

  1. Find the information about the excisting stylesheets:
    select * from StylesheetStylesheet where StylesheetStylesheetParentID = 0

    You will get information like this:
    StylesheetStylesheetID [Integer]
    StylesheetStylesheetParentID [Integer]
    StylesheetStylesheetNodename [String]
  2. To rename a given Stylesheet, use the above information to generate your sql query, for instance:
    UPDATE StylesheetStylesheet SET StylesheetStylesheetNodename = 'My new name'WHERE (StylesheetStylesheetID = '4')

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