Saturday, December 20, 2008

Embedding fonts using SIFR

I've been around on the net since 1995, and have seen at least 3 ways to embed fonts on webpages: The microsoft way, the netscape way and now a cross platform way - SIFR.

As I try to put my threads short, I will just write a way to implement SIFR custom fonts on your website

  1. Locate a TTF font you whish to use on your webpage
  2. Goto the page which offers to convert the font to a "flash swf font" (used by SIFT):
  3. Follow the wizard guide and choose version 2 in the end.
  4. Download the SWF file to a path near your website, say in a folder named "fonts"

Now the font is ready, all you need to do now is to try another free service appearing as a plugin for JQUERY - the sIFR plugin!

  1. Goto the website
  2. Download the "Jquery sIFR plugin version 2" All in file
  3. unpack it and follow the guide

To be able to use the font you generated yourself - copy'n'paste the font into the "fonts" directory in the unpacked "all-in-one" zip file.

That's it! :-)

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